

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Eida! :DDD

Last night, I was planning to go celebrate Eida's birthday the next day. But I dont know where to go. So the next day Farah and I woke up late (as usual xD). So, kitaorang pon rushing la sebab nanti birthday girl marah. Then, she want us to wear dress and it made Farah stress. That's rhyme :P
So we decided to go to Sunway Pyramid. We decide in the car though. Well, first we went to Secret Recipe because it's a must when it comes to birthday. When we're going to order drinks, Farah want plain water but it's unavailable so she got RO water. Actually, we don't know what is RO water but she just order it because the other drinks are too expensive D:

Then, her 'boyfriend' came and we went shopping at Asian Avenue. We end up circling around without money at first because we thought we can pay with card. LOL. So, we have to go to bank to withdraw the money. Damn it D:
But I bought the dress that i want :P
Ohh yeah, I met Nik there too. she's a friend from my former school, Assunta. It have been 2 years we never met each other.

Because we didn't know what to do after shopping, we went to 1901 to have some hot dogs. It really bring backs memories when I was in Computertots. After that, we went home and thought we might end up dying on the bed but we went photo shoot like crazy. Well, it's still a great day :)

Lastly, Happy Birthday Eida! Love youuu <333


Friday, October 14, 2011

So not Halloween Party.

Lyanne invited me and Farah to The One Academy's Halloween Party. Well, Farah and I cosplay as a puppet. Lyanne cosplay as japanese doll and Natasya as a psycho Alice. We change our clothes and make-up ourself at Sunway's toilet. So many people give us weird look. And, there's a girl who was shocked to see me that it made her run to her friends. LOL, so I apologized to her because I don't have any intention to scare her though.
The party was great and incredibly 'scary' and CROWDED. But, It was fun to met so many new people. Lots of people with awesome costume and I met Izmeq there. He was there because he is one of the band's fill up drummer. He said that his girlfriend, Qistina was coming too but I didn't manage to see her since its too crowded and you barely cant see the way. Oh, and we went back early too because we want to avoid the jam.

Well, the title is actually not referring to the party. On the way home, we got into accident D:
Yeah, ACCIDENT but its not that bad though. No one's hurt but Farah got her hand knocked at the front sit while I was knocked down that it made me hard to get up. But it was solved in a good way. No fighting and no bad arguments :I
Not really, I argue a little with the guys who's car infront of us. Because he said maybe we were drunk. That is so like WHATTHEHELLSHIT D:<

P/S: I can't upload all the pictures since my internet is so slow right now :T


Sunday, October 9, 2011

MMU Convofest :)

Today, my band Marshmallow Panic went to MMU Convofest at MMU Cyberjaya. It was our bassist, Mio who invite us. We met lots of new people there but they all are actually Mio's friends. We also played games but we end up losing more than winning :DD
But it was fun :)
After that, we went to Palestin exhibition and saw lots of pictures about the Palestin. I almost cry :(
So sad, so we decide to donate for them :)
We were hungry and wanted to eat but end up bought ice blended only. Farah want to go to haunted house but Tasya's condition is not well and I can't go in because I might faint. So, we decide not to go :(
We only spent the day there like 2 hours, maybe 2 hours and then we went back home. It was fun to spend the day together with the band :)

I win 1 game! :D
But, I sucks at other games. LOL

The Palestin exhibition :'(

Ice blended :DD


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Your Touch

I miss your touch. You will patted my head whenever I feel lonely and when I was sitting by myself and quietly. You cheered me up by teasing me with your sweet words and your gentle touch. I wanted so badly to sit next to you, put my head on your shoulder and holds your hand. But I lacked the courage and you already have a girlfriend. And I was hopelessly boring and you was endlessly fascinating. So, I walked back to my room and collapsed on my bed, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and you was hurricane. Even how many times I have a desire to tell you that I've fallen in love with you, something has always holding me back. Our friendship that I'm afraid to destroy. Because I know when I say that three sweet words to you, you will leave me.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

First post :)

So, this is the first post for this blog. Blog lama dah delete. Hmm. School life is over. Just started university life 5 months ago. And, today is the first day of semester break. Final's over babyyy! :D
Now, tak tahu nak buat apa. Maybe just sit and staring at the wall. Well, I actually miss to do that. :)
Saja nak memanjangkan blog ni, so I put some of my friend's picture so that korang tahu secara ringkasnya university life aku. And, mestilah tak lupa my beloved band, Marshmallow Panic! :D

Marshmallow Panic! :D
Me, Tasya and Mio
Lyanne and Farah
Love you guysss <333
My bestie, Lisa since standard 6. 
Alhamdullilah dapat sama university, course and level dorm! :DD

Marina <3
Kawan paling gila kat university setakat ni.
Sayang kau :)

Roomatesss/Adik-adikkuu <3
Shahirah(Adik) and Aishah(Angah)

Class AD111 1D
Naquib, Izzat, Fayadh, Faiz, Iqbal, Anna, Ejat, Mimi, Faizah, Ain,
Am, Haiqal, Nas, Bat, Paan, Oliey, Is, Me, and Tiqot :D

Outing with Articians 1A
Irsyad, Kikie, Anirul, Shaha, Daus, Azarikh, Firdaus, Bubu, Ummu, Syafiq, Marina, Me, Sarah and Aisyah :)
Best hang out dengan korang and thanks invite even aku bukan sekelas dengan korang :D

Short video shooting with Aira and Marina <3

Modelling for Final with Azra and Ekin <3

Jamuan Merduwati :)
