

Sunday, October 9, 2011

MMU Convofest :)

Today, my band Marshmallow Panic went to MMU Convofest at MMU Cyberjaya. It was our bassist, Mio who invite us. We met lots of new people there but they all are actually Mio's friends. We also played games but we end up losing more than winning :DD
But it was fun :)
After that, we went to Palestin exhibition and saw lots of pictures about the Palestin. I almost cry :(
So sad, so we decide to donate for them :)
We were hungry and wanted to eat but end up bought ice blended only. Farah want to go to haunted house but Tasya's condition is not well and I can't go in because I might faint. So, we decide not to go :(
We only spent the day there like 2 hours, maybe 2 hours and then we went back home. It was fun to spend the day together with the band :)

I win 1 game! :D
But, I sucks at other games. LOL

The Palestin exhibition :'(

Ice blended :DD


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